Kelly Leahy wrote:
Not sure I agree with paragraph two of the answer... ...
I don't care for the answer much myself. Certainly "never" is not reasonable as Wine for non-x86 systems is desireable and eventually enough effort will be expended to get the job done. Now the time frame might be rather long, and for many folks the answer to "When will Wine be finished?" is effectively "never" because it is more than a year and the integrated emulation business is well beyond that.
It would be nice to mention Darwine in connection with these Wine-for-other-systems FAQs as progress has been demonstrated with Winelib for Mac OS X and the stated goal is an eventual integrated x86 emulator.
That said, I do agree that before the integrated solution appears we will see Wine running on emulated X86/Linux. I'm particularly interested in seeing Linux on Darwin's Mach kernel which should benefit from the prior work of MkLinux.