From the page: -----
PR manager
Currently we almost have no Public Relationship management at all. This should change for the better.
Currently almost the only form of PR is "preaching to the choir", since we're having articles on online IT sites (by far most are Linux only !). We should have much more coverage on traditional Windowsish sites and, most importantly, in dead-tree newspapers, to enlighten the general public also known as The Great Unwashed Masses !
Wine users , CodeWeavers & WineX customers could do Previews/Demo's at there local lug meetings as well.. This is what I did a couple months back and it was a huge success there were Windows users at the meeting to see Linux and Win app's being run on Linux ... Also it gives Linux users a look at wine as well. So I suggest that we try to encourage wine users to volinteer to show Wine at there local user groups/Installfest/Computer shows and so on.
This is not a PR manager but it is PR......