Aric Stewart wrote:
Windows response appears to not allow the user to install the fonts at all. It reports any of the fonts I have which have negative OS/2 xAveCharWidth as invalid fonts when I try to install them.
This blocks out a few of the main Mac UI fonts.
On 2/20/12 10:49 PM, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
Aric wrote:
- TM.tmAveCharWidth = (pFT_MulFix(pOS2->xAvgCharWidth, x_scale) + 32)>> 6;
- TM.tmAveCharWidth = (pFT_MulFix(abs(pOS2->xAvgCharWidth), x_scale) + 32)>> 6;
Did you test what Windows does in that case?
So, what Mac does in that case? Why do you think that your fix is correct?