On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 05:37:08PM -0500, Igor Izyumin wrote:
Is it in rewind (the LGPL tree?) The link goes to the AFPL tree. Is this code also in ReWind?
Well, I looked at one of the file in the WineX tree pointed by the link and the license for this particular file is LGPL. And once a file is LGPLed, it cannot be moved back to APFL (AFAIK).
So, well, even if it's not in ReWind I do not see what (except for respect for Hidenori's wishes) would prevent us to merge it in WineHQ. Of course, to do that, one would have to ask WineX people what files are under which license (ie is the file license header 'correct' for the whole file to be sure they did not mix APFL and LGPL code in one file).