I don't have any answer to your question, but I do know "why" wine is crashing. It is indeed crashing inside of jack_activate() in libjack. If you look in that function, the first thing to does is allocate a 1MB array (which it never uses). I am not really sure why they do this -- there is a comment in the file that half explains it. In any case, if you make it a 0.5 meg array, then it should work okay.
Hopefully someone can think of a better solution than modifying the libjack library. I am not really sure why it crashes in the first place.
You will likely find that the current winejack driver is not that reliable. I have fixed a few major bugs in the winejack waveout code, and am about 95% done implementing wave in. I am going on vacation on thursday, so I won't be submitting a formal patch until early next year. If you want a preliminary copy I would be glad to send you a patch. It should be reliable, its just missing stereo input (currently only supports mono) and has some extra debug code, etc.
Jeremy Shaw.
On Dec 16, 2003 7:53 PM, Chris Morgan cmorgan@alum.wpi.edu wrote:
Should winedbg be able to load symbols up for non-wine libraries? After the export WINELOADER idea I've got wine symbols but I'm still trying to debug a bizzare crash in winejack where I get:
~/c$ wine sndrec32.exe Could not stat /mnt/fd0 (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A: Segmentation fault
and when running under winedbg:
*** Invalid address 0x40017f40 (_end+0x2ff03f40) Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/local/lib/wine/ midimap.drv.so' (0x41090000) In 32-bit mode. Wine-dbg>cont Stopped on breakpoint 1 at 0x0100d32e (sndrec32.exe.EntryPoint in sndrec32.exe) Wine-dbg>cont Invalid address for breakpoint 1, disabling it Invalid address for breakpoint 2, disabling it Process of pid=0000000a has terminated Wine-dbg>
From single stepping I've found the function where the segfault appears to occur but its inside of jack_activate() in libjack.so.0 but symbols for this library don't appear to be loaded:
*** Invalid address 0x40017f40 (_end+0x2ff03f40) No debug information in ELF '/usr/local/lib/libjack.so.0' (0x40f56000) No debug information in ELF '/lib/tls/librt.so.1' (0x40f62000)
nm libjack.so.0 lists a bunch of symbols and I'm able to set a breakpoint on jack_activate() using gdb on a native linux app so it looks like debug information is built into libjack.so.0.
Thanks, Chris