On 09/07/15 16:21, YongHao Hu wrote:
+/* ?_Open_dir@sys@tr2@std@@YAPAXAAY0BAE@DPBDAAHAAW4file_type@123@@Z */ +/* ?_Open_dir@sys@tr2@std@@YAPEAXAEAY0BAE@DPEBDAEAHAEAW4file_type@123@@Z */ +void* __cdecl tr2_sys__Open_dir(char* target, char const* dest, int* err_code, enum file_type* type) +{
- HANDLE handle;
- WIN32_FIND_DATAA data;
- char temppath[MAX_PATH];
- TRACE("(%s %s %p %p)\n", debugstr_a(target), debugstr_a(dest), err_code, type);
- strcpy(temppath, dest);
- strcat(temppath, "\*.*");
Is native limiting the path to MAX_PATH characters? What happens if longer path is passed?
- handle = FindFirstFileA(temppath, &data);
- if(handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if(GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
*err_code = GetLastError();
This doesn't look right. Probably some other function is returning different error on windows and on wine (or different function is used internally). Anyway I don't think we need to be compatible here (at least as long as there's no application that depends on it).
- while(!strcmp(data.cFileName, ".") || !strcmp(data.cFileName, "..")) {
if(!FindNextFileA(handle, &data)) {
*err_code = ERROR_SUCCESS;
*type = status_unknown;
return NULL;
You're leaking handle here.
Thanks, Piotr