Dan Kegel wrote:
http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4273 points to a patch set that implements 32 bit per pixel cursors and a bunch of other cursor stuff.
Looks like the patch got dropped by the author, though, and since it makes server changes, it's going to be hard to get past Alexandre.
Is anyone interested in picking this up?
Well, no server changes are needed just to implement 32 bits per pixel. There are rather simple changes needed in the file dlls/winex11.drv/mouse.c in create_cursor(), and the places that need to be changed are cleverly marked by "switch (ptr->bBitsPerPixel)" ;)
I tried installing Google Sketchup, but could not get that to install. That said, it looks like 32 bit pixels use 8 bits each of RGB, plus an extra 8 bits of "alpha" (which apparently controls transparency). So probably you could duplicate the 24 bit case, read out the extra 8 bits and just throw them away for now. Standard X cursors don't support alpha, AFAIK.