Robert Reif writes:
Add a [dinput] section to your config file and provide a line with the following information:
"your device name" = "X,Y,Z,Rx,Ry,Rz,Slider1,Slider2,POV1,POV2,POV3,POV4"
where "your device name" is what you get from /bin/jstest and the axes list are the axes supported by your joystick.
For example, here is part of my config file:
[dinput] "Logitech Logitech Extreme 3D Pro" = "X,Y,Rz,Slider1,POV1"
You should add this in the registry instead of the config file, this way we won't have to move it later on. HKLM/Software/Wine/Dinput should be a good place for it.