On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 12:45 +0200, Tomasz Michno wrote:
C_SRCS = \
profile.c \
You are copying quite a bit a infrastructure from profile.c, so it would be better to add the tests to that file. We can always split them up later.
+#include "mscms_priv.h"
This is not needed.
+void test_TranslateBitmapBits(void){
- BOOL ret=TRUE;
- COLOR bitmapBits[bitmapSize];
- COLOR bitmapBitsResult[bitmapSize];
- #ifdef HAVE_LCMS
You can't use that define in tests.
- HPROFILE hProfile;
- transform = pCreateMultiProfileTransform(&hProfile, 2, &intent, 1,
- // test already handled BMFORMATs:
This won't work, you say you have 2 profiles but pass only one. Don't use // for comments.