I tried installing a free game at random [1] from a web site I found [2]. I downloaded it and tried installing it into a freshly created with "wineprefixcreate" .wine folder.
The game installed without a problem. When I tried to run the game wine presented a dialog that said I needed Mozilla ActiveX controls and offered to download & install them. The download worked, however the install _FAILED_ .
I found a web site [3] with troubleshooting tips. It suggested I was missing two dlls, MSVCP60.DLL and MSVCRT.DLL. I downloaded the zip file [4] and unzipped it into ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system .
Reran the game, wine presented the same dialog about ActiveX. This time it downloaded & installed properly. The game started, ran and played.
Two issues come to mind for the ActiveX installer: - it need to check for MSVCP60.DLL and MSVCRT.DLL before it bothers to download ActiveX. - it should cache the ActiveX download ( in /tmp maybe? ) with an option to keep it on hand. Since wine is installed per user it is probable a machine may need to install this more than once.
[1] http://www.kprobe.com/kprobe/Downloads/SetupXMasMath.exe [2] http://www.kprobe.com/kprobe/index.htm
[3] http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/troubleshooting.htm [4] http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/runtime60.zip