Philip V. Neves wrote:
On the website there is an article that talks about homogenious populations being a threat to society and to the computer industry. Although I accept the fact that this is mostly true I believe that is a good argument for creating the Linux OS and other OS's not for creating wine. With the wine project you are bringing the homogenious population to the Linux community. So theoretically a virus could spread just as easily through a wine system as well as a Windows system. That virus could spread even if the security in Linux is in place. The wine installation could be affected and we have to reinstall the wine directory.
I'd appreciate it if you guys would take that out of the website. I feel it hurts the credibility of your project by having it there. The fact is if a company has a wine installation they could have a large number of appications that could be affected by a virus. Wine running on a different system won't fix that. Although the security system in Linux could provide some security against accessing more vital parts of the system, the wine installation is still vulnerable due to the fact its implementing windows system calls.
I have infact found viruses with Clam after installing wine. So I don't feel that this statement is true.
Due to the current state of Wine, plus it's archjitechure, Even if a virus was found, it is much easier to remove.
If the virus is a memory-resident kind, you can do pkill -9 wine as root or your user and shut down ile essentially killing said virus.
A lot of viruses, in order to keep small, attempt to make fnction calls based on a DLL function absolute address. This has a 1 in 256 million cnahce in working, because each time you recodmile wine, the function entry points change. all that aill result in is a segmentation fault.
sorry for my bad english i am not feeling well and it is affecting my corrdination, i can't walk right or type correctly. i can barely see the monitor, it's that bad.