On 24 June 2010 05:18, Misha Koshelev <misha680 at gmail.com> wrote:
Dan suggested tests ok during code freeze so blame Dan for my patches ;)
Certainly will. wine-devel is an open mailing list, and posting is easy. You'll probably want to check with something like "git shortlog -s -n" if the advice you're getting is actually worth taking. The way I see it, you have more experience with getting patches accepted yourself. More to the point, if you look at http://source.winehq.org/patches/, you'll see 62909 is marked as "Deferred", so resending in a slightly different form isn't going to help much.
As for the patch itself, I'm not convinced there's value in having a separate file for "Shape Drawing Functions", these are clearly mesh constructors. I thought the original patch was mostly ok in that regard, although there are (very) minor issues like using %d for unsigned arguments and using imo ugly typedefs like LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 over simply "IDirect3DDevice9 *".
So I don't think I'm going to be getting much productive done with 1.2 bugs done in a single day, and the one I started working on yesterday is now fixed.
So might as well start thinking about D3DX9.
So here is why I thought maybe having a separate shape.c file might be good. I am very new to D3DX9 so please pardon my ignorance, but simply looking at SDK, I see:
i) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb172976%28v=VS.85%29.aspx Shape Drawing Functions are all defined in "D3dx9shape.h"
whereas http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb172973%28v=VS.85%29.aspx Mesh Functions are all defined in "D3dx9mesh.h"
This is not a reason to implement shape drawing functions in a separate file _per se_, but additionally:
ii) all the tests in mesh.c do not rely on CreateWindow calls or Direct3DCreate9 calls whereas those for shape functions inherently will (like line.c)
Thus, since I'm going to try to focus on d3dx9 stuff (hope code-freeze is over July 4th), it seems like it might be good to have a separate file.
What is the argument for keeping them all in the mesh file besides that they are mesh creation functions?
Thank you Misha