On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 16:23:46 +0000 (GMT), Oliver Stieber oliver_stieber@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
OTOH almost perfect support for DX9 games would be MUCH more useful IMHO, since lack of gaming support is the #1 reason for many people for not being able to switch to Linux...
Avalon depends heavily on DirectX 9, I'm not out to do Transgaming out of work so I'd prefer to focus on what isn't currently supported by Cedega/Crossover office, this would be things like Directx 9 applications, and games that aren't FPS's or RTS's.
If Half Life 2 happens to work so be it, but I'm even less a fan of DRM/steam then I am of duplicating Transgamings work.
Don't forget, there are several business-type windows applications that use D3D. 3D Modeling and animation packages are one. These apps will likely go hidden under Transgaming's radar. Really, your work helps everyone.