"Joe" == Joe Squire wiresquire@hotmail.com writes:
Joe> Hi I apologize in advance for hitting the developers list. IANAD...
Joe> I had been running wine on 7.2 with Lotus Notes 5.0.11 Joe> successfully. I made the unfortunate discovery about RH9 and Joe> threads and wine a little too late after upgrading to RH9. I will Joe> be more careful next time...
Joe> Anyways, I downloaded the source (2003-05-08), and managed to Joe> configure with --with-nptl (as at Joe> http://www.winehq.org/index.php?issue=164#Wine%20&%20RedHat%209.0) Joe> make dep, make and make install it. (I am closer to a newbie than a Joe> developer, so this was a major achievement!).
Joe> But I ran into a problem that has already been reported at (thank Joe> you google) Joe> http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2003/05/0141.html (the Joe> issue was unresolved. Kevin rolled back to a previous wine source Joe> from 5/1/2003). As with that post, there had been no changes to Joe> the install in the wine directory. The Lotus Notes splash screen Joe> comes up. The background for Notes itself comes up. The password Joe> box appears, and the error happens when I punch in the password and Joe> hit OK.
Joe> I noted the post by Uwe at Joe> http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2003/05/0144.html , but Joe> Uwe was hinting at my newbiness with "Do you know how to integrate Joe> this in wine? If not, tell me to send you a patch for testing." Joe> The answer to both is No. Even if I received a patch, I wouldn't Joe> have a clue. I am willing to try, but would llikely need some hand Joe> holding...like which file, where it's located etc...
it boiled down that Andi added a lot of functions in the user32 spec file, with no implementation provided. These functions are mostly only implemented in recent windows version, and Notes has to cope with these functions not available. But as we added them in the spec file, this request will be granted, but later fails when this function should be executed.
I notified Andi, but got no feedback so long.