This patch still fails to apply with the same error:
stefan@retina ~/src/wine $ git am /dev/shm/[PATCH\ 1_2]\ reg:\ simplify\ root\ key\ search.eml Applying: reg: simplify root key search /home/stefan/src/wine/.git/rebase-apply/patch:14: trailing whitespace. static const WCHAR short_hklm[] = {'H','K','L','M',0}; /home/stefan/src/wine/.git/rebase-apply/patch:15: trailing whitespace. static const WCHAR short_hkcu[] = {'H','K','C','U',0}; /home/stefan/src/wine/.git/rebase-apply/patch:16: trailing whitespace. static const WCHAR short_hkcr[] = {'H','K','C','R',0}; /home/stefan/src/wine/.git/rebase-apply/patch:17: trailing whitespace. static const WCHAR short_hku[] = {'H','K','U',0}; /home/stefan/src/wine/.git/rebase-apply/patch:18: trailing whitespace. static const WCHAR short_hkcc[] = {'H','K','C','C',0}; error: patch failed: programs/reg/reg.c:22 error: programs/reg/reg.c: patch does not apply Patch failed at 0001 reg: simplify root key search The copy of the patch that failed is found in: /home/stefan/src/wine/.git/rebase-apply/patch When you have resolved this problem, run "git am --continue". If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git am --skip" instead. To restore the original branch and stop patching, run "git am --abort".
Stefan Am 2015-08-31 um 22:09 schrieb Michel Zou:
Split patch from Jonathan Vollebregt: https://github.com/jnvsor/wine/commit/ea0e2fc70db6ce4904655ea4a27ee34531d967...
- ---
programs/reg/reg.c | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)