Nice one! I'll see if I can update some of the German resources.
One thing I noticed is that the message table in kernel32 is treated as one resource in the statistics, although it contains quite a number of strings itself. Maybe wmc can be augmented with some "--verify-translation" equivalent as well...
Yes, currently every resource is counted as one (also a string table that could have up to 16 strings or a menu with many items). Maybe if someone will start translating the kernel32 message table I'll look into it. As of the German translations I've found that in many resources there is LANG_GERMAN, SUBLANG_DEFAULT. So when starting e.g.: LANG=de_AT winecfg the translation is not used. Wouldn't LANG_GERMAN, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL be better? (however I don't know if locales like de_AT are set up by Linux distributions)
Mikolaj Zalewski