fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub fixme:msi:MsiEnableLogA 00000516 "c:\windows\temp\Office 2000 Professional Setup (0002)_MsiExec.txt" 00000000 fixme:msi:MsiInstallProductW L"/I" L"" fixme:msi:MSI_OpenDatabaseW open failed r = 80004005! Installation of /I () failed.
Hmm, I thought Vincent fixed that. No worries though, that looks like a very simple bug to solve (just parameter parsing in msiexec).
msiexec is not used here, direct msi.dll functions are. The problem which ws fixed was that msiexec /i did not like the package name being glued to /i, it wanted two separate arguments. That has been fixed by somebody else than me though.
OK. What could cause this "Installation of /I () failed" message then? It looks an awful lot like a parameter passing screwup somewhere ....