On 05/11/2017 10:17 PM, Matteo Bruni wrote:
As I said in my first reply, I'm okay with accepting the original patch. I'm not particularly happy with it and I hoped you would give at least a half-hearted try to the alternative but I'm not vetoing it.
I will look at "bytecode writer" to see how long it might be to generate something. But to generate a single preshader at full I will probably need to generate "PRSI" section which we are not even parsing now, also there are "unknown DWORDS" skipped but it is subject to testing if native d3dx will go well without them filled right, and maybe some other issues which I can't guess now before looking into bytecode writer. Of course there is still an option to craft preshaders from a ready effect blob fixing opcodes, pretty much the same way they are generated now inside the test but putting a ready blob into the test file. If you are sure that it is a better approach I can do that, adding an array of blobs instead of array of ops + parameters.