On 12/23/2015 06:57 PM, Austin English wrote:
On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 7:47 PM, Kyle Auble kyle.auble@zoho.com wrote:
My only question is do you all want to move the "AMD64" page back to "Wine64" wholesale, or should I leave the "AMD64" page and just copy all the text over to "Wine64" for everyone to edit how they want? My logic in making the "AMD64" page in the first place was that it would eventually just become development notes (especially for OS-es besides Linux) and troubleshooting for that architecture. That's why I didn't bother with anything like an "x86" page.
I pictured user-facing stuff and basic instructions going in other docs or main wiki-pages, but if the readme is going to link regularly to the wiki, I can definitely see the value in a "Wine64" page. Does everyone want to dump the "AMD64" page for notes too though?
I don't see the harm in having AMD64 specific information on an AMD64 page, with it linking/referencing Wine64.
I'm more concerned with having a Wine64 page that is useful for packagers/users.
Done, "Wine64" is back up, but it's pretty sparse. Most of the info on "AMD64" was already aimed at developers. Thinking back, I probably moved most packager- and (power) user-oriented stuff that isn't in the FAQ to the "Shared WoW64" section of the "BuildingWine" page. I'll leave it up to you all to fill out the page though.
BTW, I saw that you all decided to bring back the "Biarch on Ubuntu" page, which is cool because I know "BuildingWine" is a bit of a monster. I made that page because building hints and instructions were scattered across the wiki and other docs, and I thought one general walkthrough would be good. I'm sure if someone came at it with a different perspective, they could find a lot to prune or improve, then maybe reorganize a few bits on other pages.