On 24 June 2010 05:18, Misha Koshelev <misha680 at gmail.com> wrote:
Dan suggested tests ok during code freeze so blame Dan for my patches ;)
Certainly will. wine-devel is an open mailing list, and posting is easy. You'll probably want to check with something like "git shortlog -s -n" if the advice you're getting is actually worth taking. The way I see it, you have more experience with getting patches accepted yourself. More to the point, if you look at http://source.winehq.org/patches/, you'll see 62909 is marked as "Deferred", so resending in a slightly different form isn't going to help much.
Ah I see thank you. I take it this means deferred until post-code freeze (please correct me if incorrect).
As for the patch itself, I'm not convinced there's value in having a separate file for "Shape Drawing Functions", these are clearly mesh constructors. I thought the original patch was mostly ok in that regard, although there are (very) minor issues like using %d for unsigned arguments and using imo ugly typedefs like LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 over simply "IDirect3DDevice9 *".
Ok thank you. Since we are in code freeze and I'd like to help wine, perhaps then I will just go down the list of 1.2 milestone bugs for now and see if I can help.
Post code freeze, I can then start on the d3dx9 stuff as I am really not akin to having my own private repo as of yet and I think that going from a private repo to getting patches into Wine itself might be a little more difficult than I'd like - rather than doing it all at once...
So thus for now work on 1.2 milestones.
Then D3DX9.
Off to work...