EA Durbin wrote:
K&R style brack placements
They are an eyesore and make things difficult to read.
Highly subjective.
I think K&R has distinct advantages, namely it unites the scope begin token with the relevant control statement. For me, this makes code easier and faster to read, since I can follow the indentation and arrive immediately at the relevant control statement.
Also I think that K&R is nice in that it saves screen real estate, which again for me makes code easier to read because I can see more of it at once. I personally consider non-K&R style an eyesore because of this.
CMIIW, but the only thing that non-K&R has going for it is that you can visually make out whether you've made the correct number of opening versus closing braces. I don't think that's much of an advantage, especially considering that any modern source code editor will highlight the starting brace or relevant control statement for you.
That said, I don't care what people do, I can read both... In my perfect world though, my SCM client would convert source code to my preferred format on checkout, and to whatever universal format the repository uses on checkin. Ho hum...