I think we should have a nice page on winehq about WineConf 2004.
And include the date? (still waiting to buy my airfair), location, attendies, speakers :-) with subject, I am verrrrrrrrrrrrry #$#%$# (-) #$%% excited about WineConf 2004!, even tho ive been very quiet about it... I personally think 04 could be the year for wine.. a .9 release and who the heck knows maybe even a 1.0 by 04 years end........ And this Conf will give us all the chance to discuss the road ahead.. The future of wine for the next 12 to 18 months....(untill the next Conf)...... So I take this Conf very seriouse..
So can we start working on a page to post on winehq about this event???
Jer, do you have a page in the works?????
If not, I think we should start one ASAP.. So attendies will have the chance to volunteer to do a talk on a subject of there choice.. We also need to archive these talks so we can post them in a audio/video format so others can enjoy there content as we will........
Comments/suggestions about this??