"Andreas Mohr" andi@rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de wrote:
I don't see how a FIXME could improve Windows drivers behaviour to return arbitrary values in the dwVersion field. IMHO it's much better to use a definitive and reasonable one, and ICVERSION qualifies for that.
"Definitive" yes, "reasonable" simply NO. (it is not customary to abuse ICVERSION for that, so one shouldn't do it; just doing Google "dwVersion ICVERSION" will make it obvious)
I can't call your position constructive: I've clearly showed that windows codecs return garbage in the dwVersion field, and the only meaningful value (returned by msrle32) is 0x0104 (ICVERSION). So, I decided to replicate that behaviour. Instead of suggesting something useful you simply insist that my solution is wrong. Please either give a usable advice or stop bitching around.