Sylvain Petreolle a écrit :
I forgot to include copy of my wineconsole registry: REGEDIT4
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console] "CursorSize"=dword:00000019 "CursorVisible"=dword:00000001 "FaceName"="Courrier New" "FontFamily"=dword:00000000 "FontWeight"=dword:00000190 "HistoryBufferSize"=dword:00000000 "ScreenBufferSize"=dword:000c0008 "WindowSize"=dword:000c0008
I had a look into the source and I'm surprised I have not the entire parameters set. registry.c/WINECON_RegSave should have save all the default values if it has been called, right ?
registry is saved upon exit of the console, and in your case it crashes before, because of a too large font moreover, the screenbuffersize is completly bogus
did you try to erase all registry entries and start from scratch ? A+