So I'm still stumbling through advapi32 and there seems to be some functions that were not exported. ANy reason why?
For example, AccessCheckByType was but AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm, AccessCheckByTypeResultList, AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarm, and AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandle were not mentioned in the .spec file. Are these missed exports? Do they need to be at least stubbed?
I know this all may seem bit anal, what with about a few thousand spec'ed APIs that need to be documented and all. I would just like to fill in the blankes as much as possable the first time through. I've already had to backtrack three times to add intresting comments I found important.(Function XYZ is only avilible on WinNT 3.1 or higher) It would be nice to at least have a fully spec'ed out DLL.