On 12/17/21 17:24, RĂ©mi Bernon wrote:
-void joystick_load( HINSTANCE instance ) +static BOOL WINAPI joystick_load( INIT_ONCE *once, void *param, void **context ) {
- HRESULT hr = DirectInput8Create( instance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &IID_IDirectInput8W,
(void **)&dinput, NULL );
- if (FAILED(hr)) WARN( "could not create dinput instance, hr %#x\n", hr );
- CoInitialize( NULL );
- hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_DirectInput8, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IDirectInput8W,
(void **)&dinput );
- if (FAILED(hr)) goto failed;
- hr = IDirectInput8_Initialize( dinput, hWinMM32Instance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION );
- if (FAILED(hr)) goto failed;
- return TRUE;
- if (dinput) IDirectInput8_Release( dinput );
- dinput = NULL;
- WARN( "Could not create dinput instance, hr %#x\n", hr );
- CoUninitialize();
- return FALSE; }
I don't think it's safe to initialize/uninitialize like that. For example if application already initialized with multithreaded mode.