Well, it's been a while since the last update, so I thought it'd be worthwhile to write about where we're up to. Looking at the TODO list on WineHQ, it seems the remaining work falls into two areas:
* A bit of documentation stuff (rather worryingly "fix the docs build system" says a patch was submitted last *year*, but is still labelled as work in progress!).
* Configuration, ie winecfg and an auto setup wizard thingy. John K Hohm has been making great progress lately with making DLLs self register, but unfortunately nobody has really stepped up to work on winecfg. We may or may not get the patches from Mark it seems :|
There are a few other things, like DLL separation, and completing the work to make DLLs self register.
I have a whole load of time with not much to do during September, so I might sit down and try and get some patches off for winecfg, seeing as merging in Oves OLE code is going to be slow work at my current rate of patch committing :(
Is there anything else we might need? I'm tempted to say that having InstallShield work is a priority, as it seems to have broken quite a bit lately.
On the TODO list it says that some window management hacks exist but more debugging work is needed - does anybody know the status of that? A lot of InstallShield installers at the moment fail due to that X11 ConfigureWindow error - how hard is this to fix?
Having a wine.inf to set up a new installation, does anybody have details on that? Is this just a case of eating our own dogfood, or is it really a must have for 0.9?
thanks -mike