this is the second test with no config file as Mike Hearn suggested [1].
'Adobe Photoshop 7.0' can't be installed: the problem is grave, as the installation process doesn't start at all.
The steps: ===== luca@gismo:~/cvs/wine-20040615$ rm -rf /home/luca/.wine/ luca@gismo:~/cvs/wine-20040615$ wine /home/luca/win32_install/Adobe/Adobe.Photoshop.7/Photoshop/Setup.exe wine: creating configuration directory '/home/luca/.wine'... wine: '/home/luca/.wine' created successfully. fixme:dialog:MSGBOX_OnInit task modal msgbox ! Not modal yet. luca@gismo:~/cvs/wine-20040615$ =====
I can see the 'Photoshop 7' logo window, but then another window appears with this message: "This operating system is not supported by this installation. For Windows NT 4, you must have service pack 6a or greater to install.
Setup will now quit."
And pressing OK causes nothing, I mean, I don't need to press OK to have 'wine' quitting: I can leave the message window open and continue to use the 'gnome-terminal' with no problem.
Again, with the 'fake_windows' provided by the 'WineTools' [2], I can install 'Photoshop 7.0' with all the options (included 'ImageReady'). The only problem I get is an error creating the icon set, but pressing 'OK' lets the installation process to finish cleanly.
Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca
[1] http://www.winehq.org/hypermail/wine-devel/2004/06/0242.html [2] http://franksworld.net/winetools.html