On 7/6/05, Jules Richardson julesrichardsonuk@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
A big part of the OSS movement is freedom of choice for the user based on their own needs; saying "you should be using this particular piece of software" makes you no better than the big players IMHO.
What its saying is here is a alternative to IE.. It's free give it a try and if you don't care for it ... Guess what? you can remove it and your $#%# Operating system won't fall apart!
(personally I
find the whole "get firefox" marketing campaign slightly distasteful for that very reason)
The Mozilla foundation is a non-profit entity, and this is there way of ADVERTISING in a world where advertising is very expensive. If they went to pop-ups I guess you would be tickled pink?
My 2 cents anyway...
Send your pocket change to the WPF.