WINE_DEBUG=+ddraw,+d3d7 wine settlers.exe > mywinelog
The environment variable is WINEDEBUG, not WINE_DEBUG.
And it should be "> filename 2>&1" not only "> filename", as without "2>&1" only standard output, not standard error is written to the file.
WINEDEBUG=+ddraw,+d3d7 wine settlers.exe > test.log 2>&1
As this files tend to become huge, it'd be good to extract only the last 1000 or 10000 lines (whatever is needed to see what's wrong). You can do this via
tail test.log -n 1000 > test2.log
and compress the output via bzip2
bzip2 test2.log
Or as one-liner
tail test.log -n 1000 | bzip2 > test2.log.bz2