On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 3:47 AM, Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com wrote:
And I didn't write trivial Mac patches either, e.g. to have wineprefixcreate symlink c:\users\xyz\ Desktop + Videos + Documents + Music to /Users/xyz/Desktop/ etc. This happens on Linux, not on MacOS. That's another (example of a) missing element. (Why didn't I write it? Because I was unsure where to put the #ifdef)
Isn't that linking done relative to $HOME, which should resolve to /Users/xyz on Mac?
That's not the problem. What I also don't know is whether I could hardcode the directories ~/Documents etc. (these already exist in my /Users/xyz, (but what about Tiger?)), or whether I ought to call some OSX API that yields the name of the dir (and possibly creates it if it does not yet exist). I'm not familiar at all with Mac APIs, but it sounds like an easy patch for somebody with a little MacOS programming knowledge.
I haven't used Tiger in ages, but at least for me on Snow Leopard, I can't delete those directories, since OSX considers them 'essential to OS function'. The likelihood of them missing is small, IMHO.