On 4/30/20 11:58 AM, RĂ©mi Bernon wrote:
The USD page is created when the first process (wineboot.exe) completes its creation, using its provided user_shared_data for initialization.
The server maps the page write-only and the clients map it read-only, then the server updates the timestamps every 16 ms.
The tests todo_wine cannot be completely removed as the read may have missed a server timestamp update whereas the time functions are still directly calling native clocks to get their values.
Ech, sorry, I didn't consider that when giving that advice.
I guess it'll work out in the end, if we implement GetTickCount() this way...
It may then be possible to implement time using USD but that would reduce the clocks accuracy down to the server update frequency.
If Windows has updates that slow, I think this makes sense. We'd probably want to use a different channel for +timestamp, though [QueryPerformanceCounter(), I guess?]
There's probably other consequences I'm not considering...