Tom wrote:
Shachar Shemesh wrote:
I can speak only for myself. I won't invest huge amounts of time in helping someone else use an application *he* is used to, while I have perfectly acceptable (to me) alternatives.
If he'd be paying me - that's something else. If he'd come with specific questions - that's something else too.
You have missed the point ....
Lets say he is new to Linux/wine and he does not know how to send a good bug report or how to ask how to get this or that to work... Then what? Be a ass in return? I say not!......
I have just seen the future folks.. Wine will be like MPLAYER in the future.. RTFM and in not taling about the fine manual here.
Geez I spell bad at 1:30 am and no sleep for two days.
Wine will be like MPLAYER in the future.. RTFM and im not talking about the fine manual here.