Wine is meant to support _ALL_ windows applications. It doesn't give priority to 'server' or 'desktop' applications (there is no difference, really), but instead tries to make all of them work.
Yes, but I wasn't talking about server applikations per se, but that the severity levels would be perfect for a server application, hence skewing the priorities away from GUI and other, more "soft", user experience issues.
I am not specifically talking about Photoshop, either. I am talking about all GUI-centered applications.
Yes, I read about that, huge kudos to Google for still being benevolent(and Dan of course).
But. Listen. I am not here to try and get Photoshop CS 4 fixed, that's already done, it works great for me. It's just that I have some ideas on what I would think would be simple but effective changes of the bug reporting and don't give up easily. :-)