Andriy Palamarchuk wrote:
Sorry if this has been discussed before but I could not find a searchable archieve of the list.
Use Google. It indexes archives, stored on
Downloading the archivies and letting my MUA search was better. :)
For some time now Microsoft Office 97 installs almost perfect. However, in the end of the instalation it warns about vbe.dll could not regiter itself.
I'm not sure, but it is possible that installer could not find and execulte regsvr32 - the application, which registers dlls. Wine version was added to the main tree not so long time ago. Plus, until recently the wine applications were not installed with wine. Be sure you have this application and it is installed.
I have it installed and working (as opposed to regedit) in my /usr/bin .
However wine apps doesn't seem to find it. Should I rename it to regsvr32.exe and move (with the to my %windows dir ?
If so, wouldn't it be better to let wine applications (win32) call native linux applications? Maybe a replacement section in the config which would accept stuff like:
#This would let a call to a generic (search in wine's #Path) notepad and call a generic (in the user's unix #Path) gvim "notepad.exe" = "gvim"
#This would be a more restricted one #only if the application called matchs the dir "c:\windows\sol.exe" = "/usr/X11R6/bin/solitaire"
This would also avoid a linking hell in the c:\ tree.
If wine can already call unix applications, or a replacement section as I suggest works, I can write an app to sync wine mime and extention registries (as windows explorer does on windows) with KDE/Gnome/mailcap/mime .
I am not familiar with wine insides other than compiling it, but this might be a way I can help.
-Raul Dias