2009/5/6 Nicklas Börjesson Nicklas.Borjesson@ws.se:
If I were the leader of the wine project, the moment photoshop CS4 works all the way, that would be the basis of the next stable version(to avoid regessions to the highest degree)..
As has been said plenty of times before, we don't want to base Wine releases around particular applications.
I believe that the popularity of wine(yes, popularity is extra important for a FOSS project) would skyrocket. Then it would be a toy no more.
I think you're seriously underestimating Wine, and the amount of 'real' work it can accomplish. The world doesn't revolve around Adobe products, contrary to what many recent converts to GNU/Linux may think.
Though, I must say, the majority of people I see/hear using Photoshop *are* using it as a toy/hobby, not for 'real' work, i.e., a full time job.