On 14 April 2010 13:08, Matijn Woudt tijnema@gmail.com wrote:
I'm about to implement the HLSL compiler, but I want to make sure I'm taking the right direction. For the compiler: preprocessor(wpp)->hlslparser/compiler(lex/bison)->bytecode writer(same as for the shader assembler). Now the question is where to implement the compiler. It can be called from at least 3 places, d3dx9_xx, d3d10_xx and d3dcompiler_xx. It seems to me that d3dx9_xx and d3d10_xx are forwarding their calls to d3dcompiler_xx.
In earlier d3dx9 versions the compiler was part of d3dx9, but at some point Microsoft introduced d3dcompiler. I think it makes sense to switch to the same scheme in Wine. Note that d3dcompiler is (somewhat) documented at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd607340%28v=VS.85%29.aspx