On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 03:48:24 +0100, Sam Lauber wrote:
No. I used the InstallShield program for Flash MX, and it didn't work. Without stdole32.tlb, it whined like a baby about OLE. With stdole32.tlb, it (not the whole system) froze up during the "preparing" stage when it hit 100% and left a phantom window that was blank when and after I quit Wine. I think, for InstallShield, someone has to implement a special trap(s) for OLE calls. Also, a stdole32.tlb copied from a real Windows system didn't work. Clearly, it isn't a hole in InstallShield, but in Wine's typelib support. Someone should develop a Wine testcase that tests typelibs. Does anyone know of a typelib testcase?
I wouldn't jump to conclusions. If it dies at 100% of preparing it's likely to be the marshalling that's up the spout. Can you send a +ole,+olerelay trace to me please?