On 9/2/20 09:11, Biswapriyo Nath wrote:
-void * WINAPI RtlLocateLegacyContext( CONTEXT_EX *context_ex, ULONG *length ) +CONTEXT * WINAPI RtlLocateLegacyContext( CONTEXT_EX *context_ex, ULONG *length ) {
Did you find a definition of this function in some version of SDK (I could not)?
The thing is, RtlLocateLegacyContext does not really return a 'CONTEXT *'. CONTEXT structure definition is arch specific, while Rtl context function work for x86 and x64 contexts on any of these archs. E. g., you can call RtlLocateLegacyContext() for x86 context on x64 then the return structure will be x86 version of context which is different from what you have defined as 'CONTEXT' in x64 build. So 'void *' looks more appropriate unless there is an evidence that Windows SDk defines it another way.