2009/7/8 Austin English austinenglish@gmail.com:
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Ben Kleinshacklein@gmail.com wrote:
2009/7/8 Austin English austinenglish@gmail.com:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: nengad24 wineforum-user@winehq.org -- snip -- Yesterday a korean company has released a new OS which is compatible with MS Windows Apps. -- snip -- http://www.tmaxwindow.co.kr/
If you want to have more Info, i point you to the ReactOS Forum,where a thread about this Company can be found.
Someone posted a cnet blog article about tmax to #winehq, but without any real details or investigation, or someone more reputable than cnet commenting on it, I personally dismissed it as "yet another localised, doomed OS".
After reading the ReactOS thread linked in the original forwarded mail, it looks like it's a blatant violation of GPL (and LGPL) spanning many projects, and FSF's legal team should be alerted.
As was already pointed out, unless it's certain that Wine's copyright is being infringed, that's a harsh step.
First, it needs to be verified that Wine's license is being violated. Then, someone holding a copyright in Wine's source code needs to complain, since they have standing. -- -Austin
It does look very suspicious. Someone mentioned that the mail client looks exactly like Thunderbird, that the office suite looks exactly like OpenOffice.org, and based on a comment I read about acid3 test support, the browser is almost certainly webkit-based ...