On 1/31/2018 2:19 AM, Fabian Maurer wrote:
There seems to be some inconsistency between windows versions, the test fails for xp and 2003. Should I just check for windows version and adjust the tests accordingly?
If it's not essential to demonstrate new behavior of version 6 implementation, you can as well drop it.
Some comments regarding actual patch.
Why is it defined like that if it's a constant? Also if it's going to be used in this new test only you can use actual constant variable in new test function.
+static void test_listbox_size(DWORD style)
I think it's better to call it test_combo_* to make it clear what's being tested.
- } info_height[] = {
{80, 10, -1, TRUE, TRUE},
{100, 900, -1, TRUE, TRUE},
{100, 12, 30, TRUE, TRUE},
I'm a bit concerned about somewhat long loops this data will cause. Is it really necessary to have that many items?
hCombo = CreateWindowA("ComboBox", "Combo", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | style, 5, 5, 100,
info_test->height_combo, hMainWnd, (HMENU)COMBO_ID, NULL, 0);
Since it's v6 only test, this could be WC_COMBOBOXA.
- for(test = 0; test < sizeof(info_height) / sizeof(info_height[0]); test++)
if(info_test->limit != -1)
if( expected_height_list < 0)
Please reformat this to use consistent spacing - 1 space after keyword.