On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 07:27:36PM -0800, Duane Clark wrote:
Tom wrote:
I sent a 100k Status Update patch and its been around 18 hours now and its still not showed up. Is the moderator on strike? :))
It probably was simply inadvertently deleted. I sift through an awful lot of spam (>100 per day per list, down from 150-200 at the end of last year), and it is certainly possible that I missed it.
At one point, Jeremy was talking about implementing some Mailman spam filtering, and I would sure like to see that happen.
I am using a handmade filter script on a list I moderate, which just bounces anything with X-Spam: yes.
/etc/alias file entry:
<list>: "|dropspam /etc/mail/smrsh/wrapper post <list>"
/etc/mail/smrsh/wrapper is the path to the mailman wrapper script.
dropspam is:
$inheader = 1; $header = "";
while (<STDIN>) { if ($inheader && /^$/) { open(OUTPUT,"|" . join(" ",@ARGV)) || die "cannot open output: $!"; print OUTPUT $header; print OUTPUT $_; $inheader = 0; next; } if (!$inheader) { print OUTPUT $_; next; } if (/^x-spam: yes$/i) { exit 67; } $header .= $_; } close(OUTPUT); exit 0;
(It slurps in the header, if it does not like it, it exit 67; , otherwise it passes the header and the mail one.)
You could also adapt it to bounce everything with SpamScore >= 10 or similar.
Ciao, Marcus