Alexander Morozov wrote:
В сообщении от Tuesday 20 May 2008 17:31:48 Paul Vriens написал(а):
On several windows boxes (VMware) I receive this nice message that Windows will try to find a driver for an unknown device.
This device is added by the setupapi/devinst test and is not (or can't be?) properly removed after the tests.
On NT/W2K I'm able to delete all the relevant registry keys (regedt32.exe) but on Vista I don't seem to be able to delete them
Any idea? Do others have the same issue(s) ?
I added testRegisterAndGetDetail and testDeviceRegistryPropertyA/W. I am sorry for creating discussed problem. I tried to use SetupDiRemoveDeviceInterface, SetupDiRemoveDevice and SetupDiDeleteDevRegKey but this is not fixing this bug. SetupDiRemoveDevice and SetupDiDeleteDevRegKey do not delete Enum/ROOT/LEGACY_BOGUS key (on WinXP at least). Now I do not know the right way to delete created keys. May be should use something like Paul Vriens`s change_reg_permissions.
Can someone confirm that after running the devinst tests, the registry on Wine still shows these:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ROOT\LEGACY_BOGUS (and stuff below)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\BOGUS (and stuff below)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceClasses{6A55B5A4-3F65-11DB-B704-0011955C2BDB} (and stuff below)
If I run 'make devinst.ok' on a clean .wine the tests succeed but leave the above registry keys behind.
As the new tests will include several checks about leftover registry keys this can be confusing.
If someone can confirm my 'findings' we probably first have to fix setupapi. I don't think we should mimic Windows by leaving these registry keys around as I think our tests don't do the 'normal' thing when adding devices.