Robert North wrote:
Dustin Navea |Wine Mailing Lists| wrote:
Hey guys i was browsing thru BugZilla and I noticed that most if not all of the bugs between 853-1349 are missing their descriptions.. Possibly from the software update?
Either way, I'm still around every now and then, although I'm not subscribed to any lists, so if anyone replies, please CC me
Just noticed that! 2 *important* bugs for me 1160 & 1165 are missing any comments. 1165 in particular, contained some useful debugging info ... I suppose it's a good thing that it seems to be resolved in the current CVS!
Any ideas?
Well, most all the bugs and comments after Apr 2002 should be archived on That includes new bugs starting about bug 565. It is a lot easier to browse with gmane than the winehq archives (select all articles and sort by subject). However, gmane doesn't archive the attachments.