My apologies for not responding, I had attempted to sign up for the list, and that had failed. Oops! Now, here I am. :)
Paul van Schayck said, about the <<br />> ..
oops, that was a mistake in my search/replace.. I thought I had fixed all of those occurences that I made.
Also, for the !loggedin() || !have_priv(admin) .. i just copied that code from another module, that had used it in that exact same spot.. the file had a comment that said "// check for admin access here" .. :P
no, i don't think it should be !loggedin() && !have_priv(admin) .. that wouldn't make sense, if it were &&.. that needs to be an || .
Re: Johnathan Ernst:
As I said, I had just copied the code from the other places in the admin/* files that used it. Before I changed that, the code simply said:
if(!loggedin()) .. which meant anyone logged in could access that admin function. It does make sense that if not logged in you couldn't have admin privs, so I could change all the files to check that instead.
So, my next question.. do you have to have admin priv to be a maintainer? Becauses some of the files check for loggedin, havepriv(admin) and maintainer flags.
Should admin/adminCommentView.php be protected? I realise it's in the admin category, but it doesn't look like anyone can get into any mischief with that.. could almost be handy for users.
anyway, i've fixed those issues, merged it to latest CVS, and will be re-sending it off in just a minute.
Thanks :)
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