On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 03:52:19PM -0500, Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
I've come to _hate_ diffs attached as Application/OCTET-STREAM. Can you please, Please, PLEASE, attach them as Text/PLAIN?
I use Pine over a ssh connection to read wine-{devel,patches}, and I can
Use a better mailer like mutt ;) ?
simply view the Text/PLAIN attachments, whereas I have to: -- press V to view the list of attachments -- select the attachment I want to view -- press S to save it to disk
This is what have todo with mutt too, but I don't have to save. I press <Enter> to display the message. mutt complains about not having an appropiate method for the mime type and displays it in it's internal pager. I suspect this should work in pine too.
-- exit Pine -- start vi to actually view the thing -- restart pine...
Uuuh ... this is like rebooting. Has pine a "pipe" function (it's long ago when I saw The Light and switched to mutt)? That's what i do in mutt wenn I get an gzip'ed patch: go to the list of attachments, select the attachment and pipe it through zless. So no need to leave the mailer.
Just to view a Application/OCTET-STREAM attachment.
They don't annoy me too much, but the extra key strokes I need to view them will get me the carpal tunnel syndrome.
bye michael
P.S.: sorry, couldn't resist
Which means 2 things: -- I get frustrated (and look what happens when I do:)) -- I simply ignore those patches
For all these reasons (and more), I think Linus is right when he insists on: -- ONE patch per email -- ONLY Text/PLAIN attachments.