Hi all,
After some regression testing, I found out that commit 37591409b28c2000e70bd0d3c654a3a7559a4a26 by Dmitry Timoshkov breaks accentuation - at least for Brazilian Portuguese in Lotus Notes R5.
I did some testing and found out that only TrueType fonts are affected - that is, the fonts Notes lists as 'default foo' without the double-T icon are all accented properly. To make matters worse, the affected fonts don't behave the same way.
For example, the string
áéíóú ÁÉÍÓÚ àèìòù ÀÈÌÒÙ ãõ ÃÕ âêîôû ÂÊÎÔÛ äëïöü ÄËÏÖÜ
renders as
įéķóś ĮÉĶÓŚ ąčģņł ĄČĢŅŁ ćõ ĆÕ āźīōū ĀŹĪŌŪ äėļöü ÄĖĻÖÜ
with Trebuchet MS. You can see they're pretty different - well, most of you, at least.
However, that's only a display-and-print issue, as I can copy the text and paste it elsewhere, and the accents are in their right places (and in the right letters, for that matter) - as one would expect.
Regarding Microsoft fonts, by the way, Calibri, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Segoe Print, and Segoe Script (couldn't test Cambria) all behave exactly like Trebuchet MS, whereas Segoe UI behaves just like Times New Roman, which shows problems only with graves and tildes. However the behavior is kinda random among the many other fonts (from many unrelated sources, of course) I tested, so I (still) didn't do an exhaustive check for a pattern.
Would anybody have any word on this?
Cheers, Pedro.