Good stuff Brian, I saw the new preview page earlier. Even I was impressed by what Wine can do and I've been using it for a while now so that has to be a good start. I dunno, maybe you could have a "see more screenshots" link which just links to a directory with symlinks to the rest of the screenshots that weren't included, no matter what the size etc: I know some people who just *cannot* get enough screenshots sometimes.
On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 19:41, Brian Vincent wrote:
I've gotten a lot of great screenshots over the past few weeks. I've put together a preview you can find here:
Be warned, the format isn't the best, the thumbnails aren't even close to optimized, I only looked at it in one browser, and it might even steal your lunch money.
Random notes:
- there's lots of great shots not on the thumbnails page - most likely
there's a reason, not 800x600, didn't scale well, or I simply overlooked it
you can find all of the screenshots at:
the images predominantly are PNG, though there are quite a few JPEGs. No GIF.
Special thanks to: Thomas Wickline Carlos Lozano David Buchmann Guido Grazioli Ender Juliasz Gonera Michael Krasucki Mike Hearn Rick Romero Robert Shade Rory King Tony Lambregts tavis
Okay, if you've read this far maybe you're expecting something to prompt discussion. One of the things you'll notice is there's a lot of screenshots on there there almost certainly don't run out of the box. In some instances the folks above listed exactly what they had to do to make it run. Personally, I don't think it matters. We already have the apps DB and the proposed "Gold/Silver/.." apps list, I really don't think we need more than a link to one of those.
Also, a few weeks ago there was a lot of discussion of a new WineHQ site. Any progress on that front?
-Brian Vincent