I was just looking at browsing net for some linux stuff. I just happend to see some news related to wine
Wine-doors : ------------------ Its just a wine installation utility for GNOME with preliminary(very basic and primitive) wine configuration.It has support for multiple installations, from screenshots i think so. I got this news from here http://gnomedesktop.org/node/2689, and more information can be got from its web site http://www.wine-doors.org/
Guidance : --------------- Its not completely wine configuration utility, but a general purpose system configuration utility for KDE. It now has got some module for configuring WINE also. I got this news from http://dot.kde.org/1150047999/. I havent tested it, but it can be got from here http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/
Conclusion, its for you all to decide which is the best tool. And not to forget give some valuable inputs to the developers to improve.
Thanks, Vijay