On 23-01-19 02:50, Zebediah Figura wrote:
- mat = &device->update_state->transforms[state];
- multiply_matrix(&temp, mat, matrix);
- /* Apply change via set transform - will reapply to eg. lights this way. */
- wined3d_device_set_transform(device, state, &temp);
- /* Tests show that stateblock recording is ignored; the change goes directly
* into the primary stateblock. */
- mat = &device->state.transforms[state];
- multiply_matrix(mat, mat, matrix);
- wined3d_cs_emit_set_transform(device->cs, state, matrix);
/* Note lights are real special cases. Although the device caps state only
Hey Zeb,
I don't think this works properly, since inline matrix multiplication is not a thing. You'll need the temp matrix here, unless you're really lucky with the matrix values.